New Year Bash and New Year Crash
This new year was almost the usual for me except that this time i was trying my hands on the wine rather than just sitting around the couch and watching the non-existant programs on the idiot box. The idiot box alwyas has a sort of surprise element attached to it where you are in the hope that something good might show up and then you keep waiting and waiting and the clock stucks 12 and there is a small message on the screen HAPPY NEW YEAR and that's it.Yes there was one more thing i forgot to mention 'bout the wine. Now what would you do if you have the wine bottle in your hand and you don't have the opener for it. Now that was the question we were stuck with for almost an hour at a time when everyone out there were
enjoying there glass of wine. We tried every possible ounce of grey matter but we couldn't figure out how to pull the cork ...there were ideas floating like we should all gather around and just keep our mounths open and one person will break the bottle and the rest will catch as much as they can. Finally the bottle took control our senses and we just pushed the cork inside rather than pulling it outside. Though the wine was essenced with the taste of cork we enjoyed every bit of it. And learnt the lesson ....You should always have a swiss knife with you:)
Now 'bout the second topic of the blog the new year crash. One of my friends had a serious accident while going to Nandi Hills( a picinic spot some 30kms from B'lore) along with few other friends. The bike crashed on the divider at the speed of 90KMPH and this guy was flown of the bike some 100-200 mts from the bike and landed on his face on the road. Luckily the hospital was nearby and these guys got hold of the ambulance and brought him to another hospital which has better facilites and doctors compared to the first one. He has been operated once on the face and he needs another operation before he is able to even talk properly. Lukily by god's grace his life was saved. Now these kind of incidents rock u'r soul hard. You feel why him and then you try to figure out the reasons for the same. People try to hide the negligence on there part and try to blame it on something which is not under there control. But the price for the negligence is so huge that you can't make it out with just lame excuses. I just hope that this guy needn't go through any more pain and recovers as soon as possible and as i know him he is a great fighter and so he definetly will.
Anyway happy new year to all the readers and sorry for the delay in posting. Next posting will be regarding some new year resolutions so keep watching.