Travel plans....never plan it
Today we found out how bad can the plans brother had booked ticket in one of the leading airlines of india and here is it's story. He had to travel from Bangalore to Ranchi ( Jharkhand just for reference). The flight was scheduled from Bangalore to Calcutta at 3:30 pm. It took off at 10:30pm for no reason whatso ever. Hence he missed the connecting train for Ranchi. Now he took a flight ticket in the same airlines for Ranchi the next morning. The flight took off at 7:00 am the next morning and for whole night he had to wait in the waiting lounge as he couldn't get the booking at the dormitory at such a short notice. Now this flight flew to Ranchi and came back as it couldn't land because of fog. Ok so now what does he do. He gets the refund and books another ticket for the same airlines at 4:00 pm. Now the 4:00pm flight gets cancelled for some technical snag. Cool what kind of flights do these people have. Do the airlines do anything 'bout it. Nope they just refund the money. Wow what a great system they have. Finally he tries a train booking which he doesn't get and then finally somehow he gets a bus ticket and boards the bus at 7:00pm in the evening.So the trip had been planned more than one month in advance and the result is an entertaing trip till the end. So whatever plans u make ..make sure u plan for the worst case scenario giving the airlines ample of time to play around with.
I'm 99% sure this is Air Deccan. Am I right?
Vivek, how could you have missed on that 1% :) Did Air Deccan leave any scope for doubts?
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